Friday, December 23, 2011

Fashion the Family and leggings.

Well I arrived in lovely Napoleon, Ohio this morning to spend Christmas with my family. We just enjoyed a wonderful ham dinner, and are resting our full bellies, all while watching a Christmas movie on the Disney channel. We aren't a wild and crazy group, as you might have already guessed by the mention of the Disney movie.
Traveling always takes a careful selection of the clothing you'll be wearing while your away. My #1 choice: leggings. Leggings are the ultimate comfort item to add to any wardrobe, and are perfect when you are going to be traveling...they are pretty much like wearing pajamas out in public and you can look good while doing it! I've paired my favorite charcoal leggings with a long niki biki tank, and my new favorite Laurie B sweater jacket...which I assure you covers my fanny, because I assure you I will always stand by my rule that when you wear leggings the rear must be fully covered...I don't care how good your booty looks:)
You might also be wondering who the nice looking gentleman is pictured with me... That's my wonderful cousin Jeff. I had to picture him in my post because he is one of the most stylish guys I know- and I'm not just saying that because we're family. Jeff is wearing a ribbed cardigan from Express, grey trousers from Seven for all Mankind, and some great shoes from Sebago.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful night with friends and family. Happy holidays!


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